I surprised even myself with how long it’s been since I’ve been to this website. I think my last blog post was almost three years ago. The last time I updated my list of published books was last year. I had five more to add to it since then.

Obviously I much prefer to writing books to writing blogs.

So what’s new with me? I’m on the verge of retirement, or, I should say, a forced retirement. My self-employed husband is getting ready to close down his business. I’ve worked for him for the last 28 years (when all I was supposed to do was fill in for two weeks until his new office assistant could begin working for him). Then that woman thought she had him over a barrel because he needed office help, and demanded a significant pay raise even before she began. Little did that piece of lowlife scum, who was barely able to answer a phone and take a message,  know that I had a background working for the head of a hospital department and for an executive in a major corporation, and was able to step in, take over, and, dare I say, improve the business, with one hand tied behind my back.

That part of my life is coming to an end. I’ll be able to devote myself to writing full time by the end of the year, or possibly sooner. It will be interesting to see whether and/or how much my production increases. I started publishing in January 2014, and now have 28 books on KDP. In all honestly, I had been writing books for about ten or fifteen years before I started publishing, and still have a stack of books I haven’t even looked at to see if they’re worthy of publishing.

I have always been interested in learning how to do things in the most efficient manner. Retirement will mean applying that interest to writing more efficiently.

If you haven’t already, take a look at my published books. Some of my readers have compared my writing to Mary Higgins Clark. (I sincerely hope that doesn’t mean I have characters hearing a dial tone on a cell phone, as she’d had in her books.) My books are fairly light mysteries and pretty clean (though my sagas are a different story). If you read one of my books, I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

With any luck, I’ll write a blog post again before another couple years pass.



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